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What are Spider Veins and What Can You Do if You Have Them?

January 6, 2023 Spider Veins

The human body has a complex system of veins responsible for carrying blood to and from the heart. Sometimes, due to a wide variety of mitigating factors, these veins and the structures supporting them can weaken causing what’s known as spider veins. Here’s what you need to know if you find yourself with spider veins and are looking for spider veins treatment.

Where Do They Come From?

Sometimes with age, genetics, excess weight, and prolonged periods of standing, veins, and valves can weaken so that rather than carrying blood effectively away, blood pools causing the veins to stretch, bulge, and branch out creating spider veins. These appear in shades of red and blue just under the skin’s surface. Unlike a similar condition called varicose veins, spider veins are not usually painful and do not typically present any risk to your overall health. They can, however, be uncomfortable, and can be bothersome in the ways they alter your skin’s appearance and your confidence. Many people seek out professional treatment to help restore their comfort and confidence in their appearance, especially if their spider veins appear on visible areas like the face and legs.

Can I do Anything at Home to Help?

There are a few things that can be tried at home to offer some relief and improvement for spider veins such as wearing the right compression stockings (if your spider veins are on your legs) as well as resting your legs and avoiding prolonged periods of standing. Elevating your legs for periods can also help keep blood from pooling in areas where the veins are weakened. Many of the home-based methods for spider veins treatment are aimed toward the prevention of spider veins rather than curing them. For example, wearing sunscreen, staying active, avoiding overuse of hot tubs and saunas, and maintaining a healthy body weight are all helpful lifestyle choices that can keep your veins and their supporting structures strong and working efficiently as you age.

How do I Get Rid of Spider Veins?

Medical professionals offer a few options for spider veins treatment, but one of the least invasive options is laser treatment. Sclerotherapy is the process of injecting a solution right into the problematic vein and then massaging and compressing the area causing the vein to form scars and redirecting the blood to more viable, healthier veins. While surgery is more commonly performed for varicose veins if spider veins are causing significant discomfort surgery would involve incisions made to remove the affected veins. Alternatively, laser light therapy involves the application of laser UV light to the affected vein damaging it, causing it to fade, and redirecting blood flow to healthier veins. Laser therapy is the most common non-invasive therapy for spider veins on the face. Many people notice a significant improvement in as little as one or two sessions. While the heat from the laser may be slightly uncomfortable, post-treatment care is quite simple and much easier than post-surgical or post-injection care. It’s important to keep moving after treatment to encourage blood flow to healthy veins.

Depending on the severity of your condition, your chosen treatment method, and the recommendation of your doctor where you go for treatment can vary. Dermatology clinics often offer a range of services in the field of skin care and skin conditions. Finding a professional clinic offering laser treatment can help you get more information about the process and steps would be for your spider veins treatment.

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