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How Skin Rejuvenation Treatment Helps Restore Your Youthful Appearance

December 20, 2022 Rejuvenation Treatment

If only you could look as young on the outside as you feel on the inside. Well, it turns out that maybe you can, and non-invasive skin rejuvenation treatment might be the answer.

We’ve all seen the results of overly enthusiastic surgical skin treatments. While there may not be a wrinkle in sight, it’s safe to assume the expressionless faces these patients ended up with wasn’t the look they were hoping to achieve.

Skin rejuvenation treatment is different from other types of cosmetic procedures. It works in three stages targeting the most common signs of aging, leaving a natural-looking, smooth, and glowing skin – without fillers, injections, or surgical procedures. If you want to turn back the clock, here are five reasons laser skin rejuvenation treatment might be the right ticket to get you there.

Skin Rejuvenation Treatment: What it Is and How it Works

Imagine your skin as a defensive layer, protecting you from the damaging effects of the sun’s UV rays, bacteria in the air, and everything you might encounter. After battling for many years, however, your skin loses some of its youthful glow, getting replaced with unevenness, blemishes, hyperpigmentation, scars, and veins. The hardest hit areas are those most exposed to outside elements like your face, neck, chest, and hands, which, unfortunately, are the most visible.

To compound the situation, our bodies naturally produce less skin-enriching proteins like collagen and elastin as we age, resulting in wrinkles, fine lines, and skin sagginess. Skin rejuvenation treatment can help combat all these signs of aging, beginning at the skin’s surface and working its way deeper to target deeper layers of the skin’s tissue.

The Skin Rejuvenation Treatment Process

Signs of aging first become apparent on the surface of the skin. Skin rejuvenation treatment begins by targeting these surface imperfections, such as age spots, veins, and rosacea, by using a low-level laser to gently heat and vaporize the top layer of skin (epidermis).

This precise vaporization triggers the body’s natural healing mechanism, causing it to produce new, younger-looking skin. Using the same laser used to heat your skin’s surface, practitioners can also target deeper layers beneath the skin’s surface, known as the dermis. Working from the ground up, the directed light helps jumpstart your body’s slowing skin cell production into overdrive, increasing the rate that new cells are made and stimulating collagen and elastin production.

The final area that skin rejuvenation treatment helps to address is the overall surface of your skin. By vaporizing a thin layer of surface skin, your skin rejuvenation treatment enables new, fresher skin to take its place, skin with better elasticity and a brighter, more even tone.

The Painless Ways to Picture-Perfect Skin

The best part of rejuvenating skin treatment is that it is pain-free. The procedure is completed in stages, with most patients requiring four to six treatments for optimal results depending on skin condition and cosmetic goals. And once a skin rejuvenation treatment plan is completed, results can last anywhere from three to eight years, depending on your after-treatment skin care regimen.

The skin rejuvenation treatment itself is painless, takes under an hour, and patients can return to regular activities immediately after. There is no downtime or harsh chemicals, and the risk of side effects is very low.

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